Public event
AMOK Salon #1
Fri 23/9 - 19:00-21:30

Instead of meeting around practical stuff, I want to suggest a short series of monthly Friday meeting where we meet, present and discuss creative/aesthetic topics only.

So if you've been writing a song, making a collage, preparing a talk, planning a workshop or something else, THIS is your chance to test it on your fellow AMOK members, and hopefully inspire and challenge us all.

The program will be open to participation (both from members and invited non-members) - only limited by the time span of 2 hours + 30 minutes break.

Please write to Kasper in advance if you have an item, your title and how long it will take. Consider including some time for discussions and/or feedback too.

If we have more time, it's also possible to do something on the evening.

The three dates are Fri 16.09, Fri 21.10 and Fri 18.11. All days from 19.00 to 21.30.


  • TALK: Eli on "Vi skal alle dø; jeg ved bedre"
  • TALK: Kasper presents "From Metaverse To Fediverse" - 15 min
  • TALK AND DISCUSSION: Katrine on "Intro til anarkisme"