Our friends:
Catboi Nyati :nb_verify:
helvedskendt kattemis :zazzy:
Kasper tester
Florian Laws
Carsten Agger
Søren Peter
Kasperaliteten :mastodon:/DA
Sigurd Jakobsen
Kasperaliteten :mastodon:/EN

Til fejring af arbejdernes kampdag, inviterer amok til karaoke night med amok all stars.

Kom og syng med!

Alle pengene går til velgørende formål.

Vi ses!

To get all events, follow @amok@amok.today

On the 15th edition of AMOK Salon, we have:

  • Espen Rasmussen: Om hans oversættelse af Thomas Ligotti's bog "Teatro Grottesco"
  • Kasper: "BEING DIGITAL 304: What is HTTP?"
  • You?

To get all events, follow @amok@amok.today

Entrance: 30 kr.  

Host: Jeppe Hjøllund  
Lineup: TBA

Fredag den 15. Marts er der Kalas-koncert hos AMOK i Rosenkrantzgade. Vi deler program med AMOK Salon #14 samme aften, hvor Kasper holder en talk med titlen "What Is Film Archaeology?" Efter foredraget spiller vi en improviseret koncert med et helt nyt lineup til lejligheden.

Kalas er en platform for improviseret musik i Aarhus, skabt for at nære byens eksisterende miljø af impromusikere ved at invitere til en månedlig koncert et sted i Aarhus.  
Vores formål er at skabe et samlingspunkt der gør det lettere for byens musikere at finde hinanden, udveksle ideer og skabe nyt – fri fra den traditionelle koncertforms konventioner.  
Kalas finder sted den 15. i hver måned og tager form som en koncert med en ny sammensætning af musikere hver gang.  

Vi ønsker at skabe et uformelt fællesskab mellem musikere og publikum ved at give musikken rammerne til at være tilgængelig for alle nysgerrige lyttere.  
Kalas organiseres af en gruppe dedikerede musikere i samarbejde med Useful Art for Communities på Institut for X. 


Friday the 15th of March there will be a Kalas concert at AMOK in Rosenkrantzgade. We share the evening with AMOK Salon #14, where Kasper hosts a talk with the title "What Is Film Archaeology?" After the talk we will play an improvised concert with a brand new lineup for the occasion.

Kalas is a platform for improvised music in Aarhus, created to nurture the existing environment of improvisers in the city by hosting a monthly concert somewhere in Aarhus.  
Our purpose is to create a meeting point that makes it easier for the musicians in town to find each other, share ideas and create new things – free from the conventions of traditional concert form.  
Kalas will take place on the 15th of every month in the form of a concert with a new constellation of musicians every time.  

Our wish is to create an informal community between the musicians and their audience by giving the music a framework for it to be accessible for all curious listeners.  
Kalas is organized by a group of dedicated musicians in collaboration with Useful Art for Communities aka UAC located at Institut for X.  

For more information about UAC: uacartplatform.com

To get all events, follow @amok@amok.today

" Hello i spent WAAAAAAAAYYYY 2222222 much time learning blender , it was so dificult for me to get into, im a musician normally , but i really wanted to become a blender person, but i have finally learned blender (5 years later now) and i belieave that you can too !!!! i want to make a teaching course and learning space for blender and 3d arts at amok with a focus on Begginer friendlyness and LOW GPU performance! we dont need a fast GPU (fast computer sorry if splain 2 much here) to acheive something in blender in 2023/2024 , AND i want to offer something that NO YOUTUBE TUTORIAL HAS EVER ACHEIVED === Emotional Support !!! i will be there 4 you!!!!! and i think that in a couple of hours , we can demystify the imposible blender learning curve toghether and start being ceribral about our vizualizastions!! the course will be TECH BRO AWARE ! i am well aware of the tech bro standard for learning (lyd-mand-fænomen) and i will try to do everything in my arsenal to counter this vibe towards tech and learning so that non cis male persons can also hopefully access the wizdom on a more leveled playing field (we know its not level, but we will try to compensate for structural barriers in learning here at least!!) all persons welcome !! you are smart ! you are you :heart: ! you can learn blender ! See you A'T @ AMOK = 13 Januar KL ??:??   "

------ og så kommer dalins part med hardstyle senere!!


To get all events, follow @amok@amok.today
AMOK 2.0 presents:
A Sunday evening of wonderfull sounds!

Doors: 18:00
Koncerts: 19:00
Entrance: 30,-

The line-up is as follows:

Apple Tree (ÅRH)
Laura Lavender came out as emo recently and started making music again after a couple of years doing only karaoke. Apple Tree is her one woman choir embracing the relation between performer and audience.

Pikblod (CPH)
Notorious audio-chaotic solo act that has survived multiple discontiuations. Expect every performance to be the last ever. For now, however, the pikblod is still flowing and ready to spill at AMOK!

More acts TBA.
To get all events, follow @amok@amok.today


workshop led by Pino Pånk, assisted by Noiebobs,


To get all events, follow @amok@amok.today


workshop led by Pino Pånk, assisted by Noiebobs,


To get all events, follow @amok@amok.today

Elektrisk Blå Lørdag

Kvindelig afholder releasefest for ikke mindre end tre forskellige kunstnere!

Andreja Andric

Pocket Electronic Symphonies at AMOK
Andreja Andric performs a smartphone solo recital
October 21st 2023 AMOK, Rosenkrantzgade 1b, 8000 Aarhus C

Andreja Andric, a Serbian composer and media artist living in Aarhus, will perform his electronic music works for smartphone at AMOK in Aarhus. Pocket Electronic Symphonies for solo performer on a smartphone is an electronic music project that revisits and recreates the foundations of digital sound. Both works are written as sound generating software which acts both as the score and the musical instrument. During performance, the performer changes different parameters of sound generation processes, navigating the successions of microtonal chords of synthesized sound and builds climaxes and suspenseful calm sections. Up to sixty sound generators are created dynamically throughout the performance. The works are recorded on CD on ARE Verlag (DE). The CD will be available at a reduced price at the concert.


Andreja Andric (born 1973) is a Serbian composer and programmer, living in Aarhus in Denmark. He explores the intersections of mathematical processes, intuition and chance and uses computer programming as key means of artistic expression. With a primary interest in composition and performance for his networked laptop/smartphone ensemble, he is also active as composer of vocal and instrumental music and creator of video and multimedia art. His work has been performed on festivals such as ICMC (International Computer Music Conference) 2022, Limerick, Ireland, NYCEMF (New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival) 2021, ISCM World Music Days 2019 in Tallinn, Estonia, and many others. Holds a PhD in Music Informatics from the State University of Milan, Italy.

Det Nye Navn – Elektriske stød

Det Nye Navn åbner udgivelsen ”Elektriske stød,” med nummeret ”Det elektriske barometer.” En oplæsning af et brev, skrevet af forsanger Trine Omø til radioprogrammet ved samme navn.

Brevet er skrevet fra hendes ungdomsværelse og det er fyldt med håb og drømme for den unge kvindes fremtid.
Herefter følger femten sange om, hvad der før og siden hænder hende i livet.
Det viser sig at der er langt fra ungdoms-drømmene til virkeligheden.

Historierne fortælles fra et sted hvor drømmene måske ikke alle er indfriede, men hvor Trine befinder sig på den anden side af det der siden hændte hende. Og vejen byder på mange bump når Trine fortæller en personlig fortælling om ensomhed, tanker om at gøre en ende på livet, tab og sorger.

Trine ser dog ikke tilbage på livet med bitterhed og ærgerlser. Hun dvæler ikke i selvmedlidenhed. I stedet beretter om håb, livsglæde, om at vælge livet til og om kærlighed. Sangene er dragende, dansksprogede og enkelt fortalt.

Melodierne er overvejende melankolske men også fængende og catchy. Der er slået en streg over det tunge og dystre. Musikken byder på et blandet repetoire. Fra det næsten sukkersøde, til indie pop og en enkelt hidsig punk sang. Der er særligt fundet inspiration fra 90ernes undergrund.

Den store diversitet i sangene bindes sammen at Trine Omøs karakteristiske, lyse stemme. Både stemningen og instrumenteringen er vekslende. Sangene er håndspillede, charmerende og legende. Indspilningerne er skabt i studiet, som duo sammen med Jesper Skov.

Food Grade Plastic

Food Grade Platic var en flygtig trio bestående af Olga Szymula, Aske Krammer og Andrew Dorman.
Kvindelig genudgiver deres enestående værk, den selvbetitlede LP fra 2014, i anledning af 10 året for pladens udgivelse. De tre medvirkende gik efterfølgende i hver deres retning, og har skabt stribesvis af værker inden for musik, film, skulptur og malerkunst, som en integral del af Aarhus' eksperimenterende kunstscene. Food Grade Plastic pladen står, som et vigtigt tidsdokument og nedslag i tre spraglede og utroligt spændende løbebaner i den aarhusianske kunstundergrund, der for en kort, men meget intens stund krydsede hinanden.

Dørene åbner kl. 18.00, og første act går på kl. 19.00.

Billig bar og mexicaner shots.

Rosenkrantzgade 1b
8000 Aarhus

Gratis entré - men doner gerne et frivilligt beløb til de optrædende!


To get all events, follow @amok@amok.today

Byebye Tsunami
exteme noise from Copenhagen

Government Gear

extreme noise from Birmingham

+ support (usual suspects)

DOOR at 18, NOISE at 19.

cheep bar, no noise for nazis, CASH ONLY

To get all events, follow @amok@amok.today

13th edition of AMOK Salon where everyone can come and share ideas.


  • Esben: Fembological Epistemology & The Secret Agenda of Big Energy
  • You???

Write to Kasper (kzxpr AT protonmail DOT com) if you want to be on the program.

To get all events, follow @amok@amok.today

@amoksalon13 Hej wish I had been there!!!!

12th edition of AMOK Salon where everyone can come and share ideas.


  • Tanis on composition
  • BEING DIGITAL 200: What is HTTP?

Write to Kasper (kzxpr AT protonmail DOT com) if you want to be on the program.

To get all events, follow @amok@amok.today


To get all events, follow @amok@amok.today

AMOK Program

Entire program at https://www.juxtaposeartfair.com/

Friday 1st September
Performance with !LD ! D!T ANS!GT at 7PM:
You never know what to expect from !LD ! D!T ANS!GT - two shows are never the same - though the improvisation often concern physical and linguistic energy, noise and destructiveness.

Analog karaoke at 8 PM:
Liam Nielsen invites to Analog-Karaoke with amok all-stars. Sing your favorite songs in the flickering glow of cathode-ray tubes.

Saturday 2nd September
Musical improvisation workshop with Jakob Emil:
Music is music is music. This workshop is not about music, it’s about using the musicality as a latent communicative instinct. We will communicate through sound and soundscapes, exploring them to create a unity. The workshop is held during the afternoon where people can come and go as they please.

Collage and collective painting:
Come to the AMOK stand during Saturday to participate in collage-making and collective painting. Everyone is welcome!

Noise at Radar stage at 6PM – 8PM:
Noise at radar with local noise performers and VHS-Fabrikken’s live visuals, line-up TBA

About Juxtapose
September 1-3, 2023
Aarhus, Denmark
Juxtapose Art Fair is a biennial for organizations run by artists.

The word "juxtapose" means to bring together for contrasting effect. At Juxtapose Art Fair, we exhibit different artist-run projects side-by-side, so we can better appreciate the different ways in which artists contribute to the larger art world - with galleries, studios, publishing houses, performance groups, research projects, political activism, etc.

To get all events, follow @amok@amok.today

Vi afslutter @18procent med et brag af en fest, når @NilsenMuseum hoster KARAOKE.

Sving forbi @amok kl 20 på lørdag!

@18procent@amok.today @NilsenMuseum@mastodon.social

Lørdagens anden workshop til @18procent med @glaspest er en introduktion til internetmusik og redigeringsprogrammet Audacity. Det foregår kl 13-14 på @amok . Medbring gerne egen computer

@18procent@amok.today @glaspest@helvede.net

Første workshop er annonceret til @18procent : @vhsfabrikken laver "analog video feedback"-workshop.

Vi ses på @amok

@18procent@amok.today @vhsfabrikken@mstdn.dk

Så er programmet for @18procent oppe!

Ses vi på @amok på lørdag?


@amok er på røven igen - så kom, støt byens(Aarhus) sejeste kunstkollektiv og gør et kup!

Behovet for penge i AMOK er fortsat enormt. En 18% husleje-stigning står til at jævne AMOK med jorden. Desperate kunstnere skal træffe umulige valg. Nogle ser ingen anden udvej end at sælge deres værker og ydelser for at brødføde sig selv.

Vi har derfor sammensat en en-dags festival med en masse spændende ting på programmet.

Se hele programmet her: dukop.dk/5413/

#dukop #amok #aarhus

One highlight was "Smagsdommerne" from this year's @24vhsmarathon2023
It features Claus Ejner, Eva Hellesøe and Espen Rasmussen as our intellectual panelist, @glaspest as host (Adrian Hughes), and works by some artists of @amok including @Nils, @skaerm, @apdk2013 & @es

Watch it here: youtube.com/watch?v=syMOs2Cmer (Danish)

@24vhsmarathon2023@amok.today @glaspest@helvede.net @Nils@mathstodon.xyz @skaerm@kolektiva.social @apdk2013@norrebro.space @es@glaspest.nu

And the "24 frames" of @24vhsmarathon2023 ( @amok )


Last frame of the @24vhsmarathon2023 tapes.
Digitized version is on the way!!!

@24vhsmarathon2023@amok.today #vhs #videoart #amok #aarhus

Today @ AMOK @ 17:00, I will be impersonating Adrian Lloyd Hughes.
@24vhsmarathon2023 @amok


Program for @24vhsmarathon2023 is out now!
See you on Friday/Saturday at @amok

@24vhsmarathon2023@amok.today #aarhus

11th edition of AMOK Salon where everyone can come and share ideas.


  • !LD ! D!T ANS!GT-workshop: Contribute with a scene to "!!DA THE MOV!E"

Write to Kasper (kzxpr AT protonmail DOT com) if you want to be on the program.

To get all events, follow @amok@amok.today

kom til amok og lav et fysisk album for dit musikprojekt!

To get all events, follow @amok@amok.today

If you're wondering what happens during the @24vhsmarathon2023 , you can take a look at one of last year's productions.

This is "Kender Du Typen?" - featuring Winnie Arnum Handberg and Claus Ejner as the lifestyle experts (Anne and Flemming), @kzxpr as the host (Mads), and @Nils as the mystery guest living at @amok

Note: Danish language and no subtitles!

@24vhsmarathon2023@amok.today @kzxpr @Nils@mathstodon.xyz #kenderdutypen #dr #analogvideo #amateurtv #parody #vhsfabrikken
@24vhsmarathon2023@amok.today #vhsfabrikken #analogvideo #aarhus #videoart #workshop #event

TOMORROW there's NØISE at @amok with JETZ WIRD ICH DUMM from Germany, TERRIBLE NEWS from Cph. and a mysterious coverband I was recruited to this week.
Donation-based entrance. Safer space policy. Cheap bar.
Rosenkrantzgade 1.B. 17:45-22:45.
:anarch: :antifa: :cocktail:

:anarch: :antifa:

@amok amok.today/events/132

Sun 11/6-2023

JETZT WERD ICH DUMM and TERRIBLE NEWS live in concert, saturday 17th of june, in @amok@amok.today

10th edition of AMOK Salon where everyone can come and share ideas.

* Free Software Foundation (Aarhus) will present the tool Yunohost

* Andreja Andrić talks about his week at Klangraum in Dusseldorf, shows photos and plays some music from the Wandelweiser collective

Write to Kasper (Mastodon: @kzxpr@todon.eu ) to be on the program!

To get all events, follow @amok@amok.today

AMOK's newsletter is out now.

Events on June and July includes:

* 16/6: AMOK Salon 9 ( @amoksalon9 )
* 17/6: Concert with JETZ WIRD ICH DUMM + SUPPORT
* 30/6-1/7: The annual 24 hour VHS manufacturing marathon ( @24vhsmarathon2023 )
* 29/7: AMOK's 18% Festival ( @18procent )
* 23/6: Our general assembly ( @generalforsamling )!

Read it all here:

And follow AMOK on: @amok

@amoksalon9@amok.today @24vhsmarathon2023@amok.today @18procent@amok.today @generalforsamling@amok.today

Årets generalforsamling.

Punkter er:

  1. Valg af ordstyrer
  2. Godkendelse af generalforsamlingens gyldighed
  3. Valg af referent
  4. Forpersonens eller bestyrelsens beretning til godkendelse
  5. Godkendelse af regnskab
  6. Godkendelse af budget
  7. Fastsættelse af kontingent
  8. Valg af formand
  9. Valg af bestyrelsesmedlemmer
  10. Diskussion af indkomne forslag
  11. Eventuelt

Send forslag til offentlig Matrix kanal via @generalforsamling@amok.today

To get all events, follow @amok@amok.today

@kzxpr @amoksalon8

He talks about some important artists I chose to leave out and mentions, but leaves out, ones I talked about. (tho tbh I only briefly mentioned Machine Girl and S̶e̶w̶e̶r̶s̶l̶v̶t̶).


@kzxpr@radikal.social @amoksalon8@amok.today #breakcore

AMOK er på røven igen - så kom, støt byens sejeste kunstkollektiv og gør et kup!

Behovet for penge i AMOK er fortsat enormt. En 18% husleje-stigning står til at jævne AMOK med jorden. Desperate kunstnere skal træffe umulige valg. Nogle ser ingen anden udvej end at sælge deres værker og ydelser for at brødføde sig selv.

Vi har derfor sammensat en en-dags festival med en masse spændende ting på programmet.

Du kan bl.a. glæde dig til:

  • Lokal-produceret kunsthåndværk
  • Aktuelle og berigende talks
  • Plante-marked
  • Lærerige og udfordrende workshops
  • Loppemarked
  • Tombola med sjove og overraskende præmier
  • Lounge-stemning i gården
  • Spændende, nye cocktails
  • Kaffe og vegansk kage
  • Og (selvfølgelig) VHS-karaoke kl 20!

Om du er ven, bekendt, har crashet på vores sofa eller væltet rundt til et af vores mange arrangementer gennem årene, så har vi brug for DIN støtte til fortsat at kunne eksistere.

18% af al salg på dagen går direkte til at støtte AMOK's fremtidige virke.

Entre er gratis

To get all events, follow @amok@amok.today

Three-day hiphop and rap recording workshop

To get all events, follow @amok@amok.today

Had a fun night at @amoksalon8 with @glaspest talking about (whilst also explaining a !), and then helping people to build a

Here are some logic gates, if you want to be at home! :space_invader:

See you in June for more events at @amok !

@amoksalon8@amok.today @glaspest@helvede.net #breakcore #meme #humancomputer #digital
"24 Hour VHS Manufacturing Marathon" returns in 2023.

VHS-fabrikken is a video art collective specializing in analog video equipment. Our collection includes Hi8-cameras, video mixers, oscilloscopes and a wall of CRT televisions. For the 24 hour marathon we offer our means of productions to the AV-workers, while we record whatever happens on six E240 VHS-tapes. The final product will be digitized and released in public domain for further circulation, up-cycling and remixing.

The marathon is free to attend, and participants can come and go as they wish during the entire event.

It begins on Friday the 30th of June at 12.00 (noon) and ends 6 VHS-tapes later (approx. Saturday the 1st of July at 12.30).

Location: AMOK, Rosenkrantzgade 1b, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark.

Make VHS great again!
To get all events, follow @amok@amok.today

AMOK gijinka?
@skaermf @amok


@glaspest @skaermf @amok tid til at lave amok-tan

@amok, hey, three-day hiphop and rap recording workshop may 26.-28.!!! Looking forward!!!

First concert, April 11th 2015. Olga Szymula and Andrew D. performing with a modular synthesizer set

Welcome to @amok on the fediverse!