
Literature reading, Linea Tokyo and Lockdown Party

Published: 24/2 2025

We have three upcoming events here in late February and early March to welcome the coming spring.

These includes AMOK Læsninger which is our new literary underground scene (mostly in Danish, sorry), a Velgørenhedsshow for Joan-Søstrene on the International Women's Day, and a Lockdown Theme Party on the 5 year anniversary of the covid19 lockdown of Denmark.

More concerts and May 1st KARAOKE is coming up. You can see our SAVE THE DATE section below.

Thu 27/2 19:00-21:30: AMOK Læsninger #4

Den 27. februar inviterer AMOK igen til en hyggelig oplæsningsaften med digtere og forfattere fra den aarhusianske undergrund og avantgarde-scene.

Der er ingen mikrofon, scene eller spotlys - bare en afslappet stemning med læsningen i centrum.

Foreløbigt program:
* Martine Villum Brumsbjerg
* William Sommer
* claus ejner
* Kasperaliteten
* Dildo B. Johnson
* S.M-Rasmussen
* Dig??

Tag endelig også din tekst med, hvis du selv vil læse op - eller skriv til os på, hvis du vil direkte på programmet.

Der vil være gratis entre og billig bar.

Sat 8/3 18:00-22:00: Kvindernes Kampdag - Velgørenhedsshow for Joan-Søstrene

Kvindernes Kampdag fejres med velgørenhedsshow for Joan-Søstrene!

Se frem til en hæsblæsende koncert med


Linea Tokyo er en 27 årig kvindelig undergrund musiker fra Århus som både rapper, synger og skriver sine egne sange på engelsk og dansk. Tokyo producerer selv sine egne beats, indspiller sig selv og alt det som hører med som selvstændig artist. Alle hendes tracks har sin helt egen musikgenre, hvor man som publikum vil høre hård rap, humoristisk selvironi og sange med masser af styrke og energi. Alle sange er skrevet på bla. baggrund af traumatiske oplevelser, ærlige følelser fra hjertet og ikke mindst tanker dybt inde fra hendes skøre sind.

*Flere opdateringer følger...*

Døre åbner kl. 18 / Show start kl. 19 / Show slut kl. 22
Entre: Donation (50 kr. anbefales, men betal hvad du kan/vil) Al overskud går til Joan-Søstrene

Fri 14/3 18:00-22:00: 5 år efter lockdown fest


Savner du nogensinde at gå mundbind, vise coronapas og lave akavede albuehilsner?

Næppe! Men som alle andre kriser fik det en ende, og verden blev forandret.

Fredag den 14. marts vil AMOK markere 5 års jubilæum for lockdown af Danmark i en storstilet fest, hvor vi skal "party like it's 2020".

Så find dine udløbne mundbind, sprit hænderne og hold afstand med os, når vi slår dørene op for den store lockdown-temafest.

Du kan bl.a. se frem til:

* Eksklusive optrædener over Zoom
* Dramatiske pressemøder
* Billige 'vaccinationer' i baren
* Hyggelig fællessang
* Ekstreme mængder toiletpapir
* Håndsprit ad libitum

På aftenen laver vi også en mindehylde, hvor vi opfordrer alle gæster til at medbringe et minde fra deres lockdown, hvorved vi også mindes ofrene for corona.

Eventet er gratis, men man kan støtte AMOK ved at købe vores CORONAPAS til lejligheden for 20 kr.


Do you ever miss wearing a face mask, showing your corona passport and making awkward elbow greetings?

Hardly! But like all other crises, it came to an end, and the world was changed.

On Friday March 14, AMOK will mark the 5th anniversary of the lockdown of Denmark in a theme party, where we will "party like it's 2020".

So grab your expired face masks, sanitize your hands and keep your distance with us when we open the doors for the big lockdown party.

You can look forward to, among other things:

* Exclusive performances on Zoom
* Dramatic press conferences
* Cheap 'vaccinations' at the bar
* Fun communal singing
* Extreme amounts of toilet paper
* Hand sanitizer ad libitum

On the evening, we will also make a memorial shelf, where we encourage all guests to bring a memory from their lockdown, thereby also remembering the victims of corona.

The event is free, but you can support AMOK by purchasing our CORONAPAS for the occasion for 20 kr.

Save the date

Can't get enough of AMOK? Here are some more upcoming events this spring:

Happy 2025 and January

Published: 14/1 2025

Happy 2025!

We just held our general assembly at the beginning of this month and are really looking forward to present this year's program to all of you.

This year we got support from Aarhus Kommune's Kulturudviklingspulje, which makes possible a really awesome program - including AMOK's 10 years birthday festival.

Below this year's group portrait, you can find our program for January including a punk concert and a reboot of AMOK læsninger.

Photo from general assembly 2025

Sat 18/1 20:00-23:00: BREADWINNERS + HUDSULT

Debutkoncert for ny trist aarhus skramz kvartet.
Medlemmer fra Loose Ends, De 4 Maver, Troop Transport men især byhøjskolens fotolinje
Hudsult er en ny aarhusiansk kvartet, der med udgangspunkt i screamo-genrens støj og post hardcoreens introspektive lyd, forsøger at udtrykke den sorg, frustration og vrede der kendetegner livet i det senmoderne samfund.
De er et band, der lige så gerne vil se folk græde som moshe - og de spiller musik til anledningen.
Døre kl. 20. Koncert kl. 21.
20 kr. entré/donation
Overskuddet går til Palæstina.

Thu 30/1 19:00-21:00: AMOK Læsninger

Den 30. januar inviterer AMOK til en hyggelig oplæsningsaften med digtere og forfattere fra den aarhusianske undergrund og avantgarde-scene.

Der er ingen mikrofon, scene eller spotlys - bare en afslappet stemning med læsningen i centrum.

Program følger snart på hjemmesiden!

Tag endelig også din tekst med, hvis du selv vil læse op - eller skriv til os på, hvis du vil direkte på programmet.

Der vil være gratis entre og billig øl/vin.

"AMOK LÆSNINGER" er et tilbagevendende arrangement - følg siden her for at få flere litterære og kulturelle opdateringer!

December 2024

Published: 28/11 2024

AMOK got money from Aarhus Kulturudviklingspulje!

That calls for expensive champagne in cheap glasses!!!

Stay tuned for our 10th anniversary 2025 program!

And while you wait for that, we have great events coming up, including our Julemarked, the 'finissage' of VHS-fabrikken's exhibition, Rudi's book release, a PUNK concert and our Generalforsamling.

Fri 6/12 15:00-21:00: Julemarked 2024

Drop by and enjoy:

  • Kunst
  • Håndværk
  • Genbrug
  • Zines
  • Performances
  • Hygge
  • Glögg
  • Øl
  • Possibly music with Arnum Nilsen

Thu 5/12 17:00-19:00: Finissage - Welcome to the VHS factory

Since November 23rd, Spanien 19c has been shimmering with the lights of cathode ray tubes and buzzing with the sounds of electronic video circuits.

We hope that our retro-futuristic installation of living rooms, towering TV walls and a videotronic construction site have given our workers the opportunity to reflect on questions such as:
- Why do villains need so large controlpanels?
- What was the happiest factory in film history?
- How can sunglasses protect you from televised brainwash?

Now, as we reach the grand finale of this video-industrial odyssey, we summon you to answer THE ULTIMATE QUESTION: What films do the fragments of this cybernetic dreamscape come from?

PARTICIPATE in VHS-fabrikken's big FILM QUIZ, where we welcome labour of all genders, ages, abilities, races and orientations to unite and take part in our contest.

The finissage will take place on Thursday the 5th of December 17:00-19:00. The evening also includes exclusive PERFORMANCES by Glaspest and Kasperaliteten.

Remember that it is also possible to visit the exhibition during regular opening hours:
Thu 28/11: 16:00-18:00
Fri 29/11: 16:00-18:00
Sat 30/11: 13:00-17:00
Sun 1/12: 13:00-17:00
Thu 5/12: 16:00-19:00 (including finissage)
Fri 6/12: 16:00-18:00

The tubes are waiting. The questions are buzzing. The world beyond the glow is yours to decode.


Udstillingsstedet er støttet af Aarhus Kommunes Kulturudviklingspulje og Statens Kunstfond

Sat 11/1 16:00-20:00: RUDI: Udgivelse

Bog udgivelse. Mer news soon.

Sat 18/1 19:00-22:00: PUNK

Stay tuned for details!

Fri 3/1 18:00-20:00: General Forsamling

  1. Valg af ordstyrer

    • Godkendelse af generalforsamlingens gyldighed

  2. Valg af referent

  3. Formandens eller bestyrelsens beretning til godkendelse

  4. Godkendelse af regnskab

  5. Godkendelse af budget

  6. Fastsættelse af kontingent

  7. Valg af formand

  8. Valg af bestyrelsesmedlemmer

  9. Diskussion af indkomne forslag

  10. Eventuelt

    Du kan sende forslag til Kasper på lauritzen DOT kasper AT pm DOT me senest 12. december 2024.

    Summer 2024

    Published: 20/6 2024

    AMOK is still alive, and we've got two great events for you this summer: The 7th day of the "24 Hour VHS Marathon" and "ConTemporary Tattoos" in Aarhus Festuge!

    We hope you've had a chance to attend some of our events this spring, including "Arbejdernes Kampdag Karaoke", "Langsom Fredag" with Kvindelig, PerformanceRUM, Noisecafé and the AMOK Salons.

    We have our general assembly coming up this July, so if you want to be part of our cultural platform, reach out and let us know!

    Fri 2/8 12:00 - Sat 3/8 12:30: 24 Hour VHS Marathon: The Seventh Day

    The seventh edition of VHS-fabrikken's "24 Hour VHS Marathon" is coming to AMOK this summer!

    For the 24 hour marathon we offer our means of productions to the AV-workers, while we record whatever happens on six E240 VHS-tapes. The final product will be digitized and released in public domain for further circulation, up-cycling and remixing.

    This year we are planning to do "Ugen Der Gak - VHS special" (where we remind ourselves what has happening the previous "week"), meet the evil venture capitalists in "Løvens Hule", see who finds love in the dating program "Kunstner Søger Kærlighed", get advice from "Andreas Brevkasse" and get fit for the marathon with "Esben Extreme's Body Workout".

    The exact titles and times of the program will be announced later.

    The marathon is free to attend, and participants can come and go as they wish during the entire event.

    It begins on Friday the 2nd of August at 12.00 (noon) and ends 6 VHS-tapes later (approx. Saturday the 3rd of August at 12.30).
    Location (as always): AMOK, Rosenkrantzgade 1b, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark.

    This event is supported by Initiativpuljen, Aarhus Kommune.

    P.S. Make VHS great again!

    Fri 30/8 16:00-22:00: ConTemporary Tattoos @ Aarhus Festuge

    What's this? A:M:O:K - i festuge programmet?
    Mindsanten ja! Kom og få en ConTemporary tattoo i A:M:O:K, fredag den 30 august.

    De er midlertidige og kan bruges af bøn så vel som voksne idet de nemt kan vaskes med vand og sæbe.
    (Skal det gå ekstra hurtigt og gnidningsfrit kan man også anvende neglelakfjerner m. acetone)

    De er kontemporære, da alle designs er tegnet af nulevende kunstnere. Hvis du er kunstner, i live og har tegninger, du vil donere til A:M:O:K, så får vi dem printet på specielt temporary-tattoo-papir, og sætter dem op på væggen, så folk kan dekorere deres krop med dit design og bære det gennem hele festugen.
    Send designs til Liam.

    [Gafik: Nelle Tattoo (@tardy_turnip)
    Opsætning: Esben Staugaard (@glaspesten)]

    Glæd jer!

    Fri 5/7 18:00-19:00: AMOK General assembly 2024

    1. Valg af ordstyrer

      • Godkendelse af generalforsamlingens gyldighed

    2. Valg af referent

    3. Forpersonens eller bestyrelsens beretning til godkendelse

    4. Godkendelse af regnskab

    5. Godkendelse af budget

    6. Fastsættelse af kontingent

    7. Valg af formand

    8. Valg af bestyrelsesmedlemmer

    9. Diskussion af indkomne forslag

      FORSLAG 1: Vedtægterne opdateres, så der fremover udlæg (udover indkøb til videresalg og daglig forbrug) skal godkendes på forhånd af kasserer og forperson.

      FORSLAG 2: Vedtægterne opdateres, så den årlige generalforsamling afholdes i første kvartal (Q1). Evt. er der mulighed for at kontingentet reguleres årligt i juli.

    10. Eventuelt

    November 2023

    Published: 8/11 2023
    Thanks to everyone who came to our Country & Western night and noise concerts in October.

    Here's our program for the rest of November.

    Sat 11/11 19:00-22:00: ZOOM SOUNDS

    We'd like to invite you to an evening of web-based shows irl at amok 2.0.
     zoom sounds
     : i just love to work from home! No commune and no hassle!
     : well, i just want to know when the meeting starts?
     : [... ]
     : your mic is off.
     : oh sorry, i just wanted to say that a guitar trio is going to play music over zoom? ?
     : oh how cool! Its nice to see the music industry follow us labourers into the future!
     : yes, im sure they will demonstrate the endless possibilities of convenience and emancipation this platform has to offer!
     : ... I

    performed by peter oldrup, henrik bay hansen & mikkel egelund nielsen of cras ensemble

    cras ensemble
    >composed by sofus preisel
    a story about being captured by the emptiness of virtual spaces, standards and intangible assets.
    Programmer is a live-coding drama inspired by text adventures or 'interactive fiction'.
    We follow programmer, our naive protagonist, in their meeting with the ominous social constructor, as they exami

    written and performed by tanis silke nielsen

    having a home in the physical world.
    >written and pe

    performed by sofus preisel & tanis silke nielsen

    d by sofus preisel & tanis silke nielsen
    hosted by ito audio kollektiv & aut
    supported by arhus kommune: musikpuljen, augustinus fonden and william demant fonden

    Fri 17/11 19:00-21:30: AMOK Salon #12

    12th edition of AMOK Salon where everyone can come and share ideas.


    • BEING DIGITAL 200: What is HTTP, and why should you love it?
    • TBA

    Write to Kasper (kzxpr AT protonmail DOT com) if you want to be on the program.

    Late summer 2023

    Published: 24/7 2023

    Thanks to everybody who stopped by AMOK for our summer activities. They've included our general assembly, a concert, a salon and VHS-fabrikken's annual 24 hour marathon.

    In case you missed the marathon, you might enjoy the "Smagsdommerne" parody featuring lots of works by AMOK artists.

    Remember that we still have a lot of interesting events coming up in August, including our "18% Festival" this Saturday where we try to raise money for AMOK.

    Sat 29/7 12:00-23:00: AMOK 18% Festival

    AMOK er på røven igen - så kom, støt byens sejeste kunstkollektiv og gør et kup!

    Behovet for penge i AMOK er fortsat enormt. En 18% husleje-stigning står til at jævne AMOK med jorden. Desperate kunstnere skal træffe umulige valg. Nogle ser ingen anden udvej end at sælge deres værker og ydelser for at brødføde sig selv.

    Vi har derfor sammensat en en-dags festival med en masse spændende ting på programmet.

    Du kan bl.a. glæde dig til:

    • Lokal-produceret kunsthåndværk
    • Aktuelle og berigende talks
    • Plante-marked
    • Lærerige og udfordrende workshops
    • Loppemarked
    • Tombola med sjove og overraskende præmier
    • Lounge-stemning i gården
    • Spændende, nye cocktails
    • Kaffe og vegansk kage
    • Og (selvfølgelig) VHS-karaoke kl 20!

    Om du er ven, bekendt, har crashet på vores sofa eller væltet rundt til et af vores mange arrangementer gennem årene, så har vi brug for DIN støtte til fortsat at kunne eksistere.

    18% af al salg på dagen går direkte til at støtte AMOK's fremtidige virke.

    Entre er gratis

    Mon 14/8 21:00 - Fri 18/8 21:00: pikblod productions label workshop with lorten

    Fri 18/8 19:00-21:30: AMOK Salon #10

    10th edition of AMOK Salon where everyone can come and share ideas.

    • Free Software Foundation (Aarhus) will present the tool Yunohost (to be confirmed)
    • TBA
    Write to Kasper ( kzxpr AT protonmail DOT com ) to be on the program!

    June 2023

    Published: 7/6 2023

    Lots of great events coming up this month and summer!

    This newsletter includes: AMOK Salon #9, concert with JETZ WIRD ICH DUMM + SUPPORT, the annual 24 hour VHS manufacturing marathon, AMOK 18% Festival and our general assembly!

    Also, if you're on the fediverse (Mastodon, Misskey/Calckey, PixelFed, so on), make sure to follow us using

    Fri 16/6 19:00-21:30: AMOK Salon #9

    9th edition of AMOK Salon where members and guests can come and share ideas.

    Program is TBA.

    Write to Kasper (Mastodon: or mail: ) to be on the program!

    Sat 17/6 17:45-22:45: JETZ WIRD ICH DUMM + SUPPORT


    + support; TERRIBLE NEWS (kbh)


    Fri 30/6 12:00 - Sat 1/7 12:30: 24 Hour VHS Manufacturing Marathon 2023

    "24 Hour VHS Manufacturing Marathon" returns in 2023.

    VHS-fabrikken is a video art collective specializing in analog video equipment. Our collection includes Hi8-cameras, video mixers, oscilloscopes and a wall of CRT televisions. For the 24 hour marathon we offer our means of productions to the AV-workers, while we record whatever happens on six E240 VHS-tapes. The final product will be digitized and released in public domain for further circulation, up-cycling and remixing.

    The marathon is free to attend, and participants can come and go as they wish during the entire event.

    It begins on Friday the 30th of June at 12.00 (noon) and ends 6 VHS-tapes later (approx. Saturday the 1st of July at 12.30).

    Location: AMOK, Rosenkrantzgade 1b, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark.

    Make VHS great again!

    Sat 29/7 12:00-23:00: AMOK 18% Festival

    AMOK er på røven igen - så kom, støt byens sejeste kunstkollektiv og gør et kup!

    Behovet for penge i AMOK er fortsat enormt. En 18% husleje-stigning står til at jævne AMOK med jorden. Desperate kunstnere skal træffe umulige valg. Nogle ser ingen anden udvej end at sælge deres værker og ydelser for at brødføde sig selv.

    Vi har derfor sammensat en en-dags festival med en masse spændende ting på programmet.

    Du kan bl.a. glæde dig til:

    • Lokal-produceret kunsthåndværk
    • Aktuelle og berigende talks
    • Plante-marked
    • Lærerige og udfordrende workshops
    • Loppemarked
    • Tombola med sjove og overraskende præmier
    • Lounge-stemning i gården
    • Spændende, nye cocktails
    • Kaffe og vegansk kage
    • Og (selvfølgelig) VHS-karaoke kl 20!

    Om du er ven, bekendt, har crashet på vores sofa eller væltet rundt til et af vores mange arrangementer gennem årene, så har vi brug for DIN støtte til fortsat at kunne eksistere.

    18% af al salg på dagen går direkte til at støtte AMOK's fremtidige virke.

    Entre er gratis

    Thu 22/6 17:00-19:00: Generalforsamling

    Årets generalforsamling.

    Punkter er:

    1. Valg af ordstyrer
    2. Godkendelse af generalforsamlingens gyldighed
    3. Valg af referent
    4. Forpersonens eller bestyrelsens beretning til godkendelse
    5. Godkendelse af regnskab
    6. Godkendelse af budget
    7. Fastsættelse af kontingent
    8. Valg af formand
    9. Valg af bestyrelsesmedlemmer
    10. Diskussion af indkomne forslag
    11. Eventuelt

    Send forslag til offentlig Matrix kanal eller via

    Today and in May 2023

    Published: 29/4 2023

    Great stuff coming up at AMOK tonight (29th of April) and in May.

    See details below.

    You can also subscribe to AMOK's iCal to receive updates on events.

    Sat 29/4 18:00 - Sun 30/4 01:00: Dobbeltrelease party!

    Kvindelig label inviterer til dobbeltrelease party. Pikblod og Pride of Nakskov udgiver en splitkassette, og Iaha Crax og Bureaucratic Bondage udgiver også en split. Du kan købe dig et fysisk eksemplar denne aften, men vær hurtig for det er kun et begrænset oplag! Der er selvfølgelig stadig mulighed for at købe begge splits digitalt via Bandcamp: De fysiske eksemplarer er som altid indspillet på genbrugskassettebånd, og kommer i kunstfærdig DIY indpakning.

    Til lejligheden er der live shows af specielt inviterede kunstnere. 

    Ess Beck

    Ess Beck er et projekt/pseudonym af Sydhavnsbaseret lydkunstner og eksperimenterende musiker Stine Kloster. Digitale elementer blandes med hjemmebyggede analoge lydkilder, et hav af effektpedaler, svulmer og drukner i et fælt inferno af støj.

    Pol Mod Pol

    Jordklodens ukronede discokonge er tilbage, for at sætte ild til dansegulvet. 


    Pikblod screams 

    Pikblod reads a poem

    Pikblod through pikblod 

    Pikblod through multiple feedback 

    Pikblod loops

    Pikblod reads

    Pikblod screams a poem through multiple feedback loops

    Digital pikblod loop

    Last call by Pikblod 

    Pride of Nakskov

    PONs artwork sometimes appear as dreamlike ambient and harsh/noise. It responds directly to her past environment, and uses space experiences as lines to involve the listener in a way that is sometimes rough, and believes in aliens living among us.

    More TBA....

    Entré er donationsbaseret (anbefalet donation er 50 kr.) 

    Dørene åbner kl. 18.00 og første act går på kl. 19.00. 

    Sat 6/5 19:30-22:30: Benjamin Saleh-Hoseini Westh: Bus Koncert, sammen med Galleri tese

    Koncert på AMOK kl. 20.30 - døre åbne kl. 19.30.
    Entré på AMOK: 40 DKK
    Begivenhedslink til fernisering om busser på galleri tese :

    Til denne koncert vil kunstner medhjælper debuttere med sit album Bus·tour. Albummet skildrer forskellige scener i den aarhusianske bybus, og foregår i forlængelse af en fernisering samme dag på tese, Vestergade 49. Koncert foregår dog i AMOK, Rosenkrantzgade 1B. Til denne koncert vil medhjælper zoome ind på enkelte sanseoplevelser fra bybussen i Aarhus, og sætte sig i øjenhøjde med andre. Børn såvel som objekter skildrer medhjælper i sin væren fra et uskyldigt og naivistisk sted. Med en kæmpe kærlighed til legen med ord, krøllet humor og en stor portion ydmyghed, rettes en respekt for gamle, oversete genstande og det voksne individs forsømte tolkningsblik på disse i samfundet.

    'medhjælper' er et enestående audiopoetisk projekt af musiker, tekstforfatter og spirrende undergrundstalent, Benjamin Saleh-Hoseini Westh, som romantiserer hverdagens selvfølgeligheder. Med et uprætentiøst, uglamourøst og humoristisk blik på stille virkelighed og store drømme, hylder medhjælper det trivielle og travle liv udtrykt igennem audiopoetisk digtoplæsning og sange.
    Følg medhjælper her:
    @medhjælper på Instagram
    @medhjælper på facebook:

    Begivenheden er et samarbejde mellem galleri tese, kunsteren medhjælper og spillestedet AMOK. tese’s gallerist Sarah-Kamille Koushki Teil kuraterer udstillingen Bus·tour, og afvikler medhjælpers koncert i kunstnerkollektivet AMOK i forlængelse af udstillingen. Udstillingens fernisering på tese kulminerer i en fælles guidet “bustour”, hvor publikummerne samlet går gennem byen til kunsterkollektivet AMOK, hvor efterfest og koncert vil foregå. Denne eftermiddag og aften i selskab med medhjælper vil du derfor både kunne nyde ferniseringen af Bus·tour sammenstøbt af vækstlaget i Aarhus, og nyde en tværæstetisk audiopoesetisk koncert i ordenes tegn, hvor hovedordet er bus.

    Hvis du vil have hele oplevelsen med, så har tese og medhjælper kurateret en kunstudstilling om bussen med hjælp af det aarhusianske kunstneriske vækstlag. Ferniseringen foregår fra kl. 15.00 - 19.00, hvor vi kører med vores helt egen særlige bus, fra tese - don't be late. Her er link til ferniseringsbegivenheden:

    Plakat designet af Mie Jakobsen (2020)

    Wed 17/5 19:00-21:30: AMOK Salon

    AMOK Salon is back. This time on the Wednesday before Ascension Thursday.

    Drop by to a talk, a workshop or an experiment, and ascend with us in the nice salon atmosphere.

    More info will come.

    Write to Kasper (kzxpr AT pm DOT me), if you want to present something.

    March 2023

    Published: 28/2 2023

    We had a nice month with events continuing our collaboration with Galleri TESE. We also held some of our recurring events - with more short, spicy texts in the Anarchist Book Club, and rainbow colors and raga in AMOK Salon.

    We're looking forward to see you all to more events in March!

    See those that we have already planned below:

    Sat 4/3 18:15-23:15: Ryosuke Kiyasu + support

    Ryosuke Kiyasu (Japan)

    Ryosuke Kiyasu spiller trommer I 'Sete Star Sept' fra Japan. Nu på solotour med sin lilletromme! Det bliver vildt!

    Cum-Filled Coke Boiz (Copenhagen)
    Cum-Filled Coke Boiz er Københavns uslebne juvel af ekstrem harsh noise. De er vist nok fra det mørke Norge!

    Terrible News (Copenhagen)
    TERRIBLE NEWS er et shitcore Beatles hyldest og/eller hadeband. Tænk hvis John og Paul havde været kærester! 

    Show starts at 20.00 sharp!
    Show is donation-based (plz pay 50 kr. or so)
    No noise for nazis or other scum!

    Sun 5/3 13:00-19:00: Reception: anarkistiske & syndikalistiske kvinder

    Der vil være sælg af anarkistiske bøger og andre ting fra Bogcaféen Halmtorvet

    (In english below)
    En DIY udstilling om kvinderne, der er og har været med til at ændre verden og kæmpet for mange sociale og politiske rettigheder.
    Nogle rettigheder bliver taget for givet, mens andre stadig skal opnås. Vi har indsamlet billeder og teksterne fra forskellige skribenter, oversat fra flere sprog og sammenhænge, der skal vise at der har og er flere revolutionære kvinder end man lige tror.
    Materialerne er indsamlet fra frivillige, og er et eksempel på hvordan man kan oplyse om græsrøddernes historie og nutidens kampe af feminister. For hver gang, den er blevet vist, har flere mennesker deltaget, forbedret og udvidet den.
    Udstillingen er tidligere blevet vist i Zaragoza (Spanien), Tammerfors (Finland), Gävle, Göteborg, Stockholm (Sverige) og Køpenhavn (Danmark)

    Udstillingen er der kun denne søndag på stedet

    Exhibition & reception: anarchist & syndicalist women

    There will be sales of anarchist books and other things from Bogcaféen Halmtorvet

    An DIY exhibition about the women who are and have been part of changing the World and fought for many
    social and political rights.
    Some rights have been taken as a given, while others still need to be achieved. We have collected pictures and texts from different writers, and translated from different languages and contexts, that show that there are and have been more revolutionary women than people think.
    The teksts and picturs are collected from volunteers, and are an example on how to inform about the history of the grassroots and contemporary feminists' fight. Every time it has been exhibited, more people have taken part, improved, and expanded it.
    The exhibition has previously been exhibted in Zaragoza (Spain), Tammerfors (Finland), Gävle, Göteborg, Stockhold (Sweden) and Copenhagen (Denmark)

    Exhibition is only on site that Sunday

    Fri 17/3 19:00-21:30: AMOK Salon #7

    AMOK Salon is a series of monthly Friday meeting where we meet, present and discuss creative/aesthetic topics.

    So if you've been writing a song, making a collage, preparing a talk, planning a workshop or something else, THIS is your chance to test it on your fellow AMOK friends, and hopefully inspire and challenge us all.

    The program is ALL OPEN to participation (both from members and invited non-members) - only limited by the time span of 2 hours + 30 minutes break.

    Please write to Kasper in advance if you have an item, your title and how long it will take. Consider including some time for discussions and/or feedback too.

    If we have more time, it's also possible to do something on the evening.


    • TBA

    Late January or February 2023

    Published: 28/1 2023

    Hi AMOKers!

    Wondering what to do for the rest of your evenings in January? Then check out the events in our cool collaboration with Galleri TESE. Later in February, you can enjoy the next AMOK Salon featuring a talk by SMARTPHONE!

    Missed the talk about Mastodon??

    You can find Kasperaliteten's slides about the fediverse and how to destroy fascist media on our website.

    Also stay tuned for our upcoming zine - more info will follow!

    Sat 28/1 20:00-21:00: LOOSE GOOSE # 7 : DIDDE ROSE + !LD ! D!T ANS!GT

    NOTICE: At Galleri Tese, Vestergade 49, 8000 Aarhus C

    Døre åbner kl. 19.30 - det anbefales at dukke op allerede der!
    ILD I DIT ANSIGT har gulvet kl. 20-21
    Entré: 45
    TESE lukker kl. 21.30

    Et outburst for alle de gange jeg er blevet raget på, catcalled eller klædt af med øjnene, imod min vilje. For alle de gange jeg og andre individer er blevet reduceret til et stykke kød.
    Af: Didde Rose

    !ILD ! D!T ANS!GT
    !LD ! D!T ANS!GT er et længerevarende projekt, varetaget af en varierende gruppe individer, med enkelte centrale kerneaktører til at sikre organisatorisk effektivitet gennem uformelle, og så vidt muligt usynlige, magtstrukturer. Afslutningstidspunktet for projektet er stadig uvist, grundet det enorme omfang af projektets overordnede mål og den fundamentale uklarhed, blandt de implicerede, vedrørende det omtalte, omfangsrige mål. Hvad vi med sikkerhed ved er, at projektet pr. 2023 har stået på i ca. 9-14 år, hvilket er et mærkbart fremskridt i forhold til dets varighed.
    !LD ! D!T ANS!GT manifesterer sig primært gennem performancekunst, men har også udvist kapacitet til grafik, musik, installation, cut-up, zines, støj-koncerter, ild og spoken-word.
    Indtil videre er alt gået efter planen.

    Sun 29/1 20:00-21:00: LOOSE GOOSE jan-jam # 8 : UBEVIDST KAOS

    Døre åbner kl. 19.30
    Entré 40 kr
    Koncert kl. 20 - 21
    Aftenen slutter kl. 21.45

    En ubevidst sammensmeltning mellem kaotisk leg og at alting
    ikke altid skal tages helt seriøst

    Øl og cola kan købes i baren for 15 kr.

    Mon 30/1 20:00-21:00: LOOSE GOOSE # 9 : LASSE TOPBJERG

    Døre åbner kl. 19.30
    Koncert kl. 20 - 21
    Entré: Donation efter egen lomme
    10 - 45 DKK
    Aftenen slutter kl. 21.30

    LOOSE GOOSE jan-jam # 9 er Lasse Topbjerg:
    Inspireret af rejse - indre som ydre - spiller Lasse folk inspireret musik på diverse akustiske instrumenter. Du kan forvente en rolig musikalsk forkælelse af dine øregange blandet med fortællinger.
    Bemærk entré-prisen denne aften er donation efter egen lomme og valg, efter Lasse Topbjergs ønske.

    Velmødt til en dejlig aften!

    Tue 31/1 20:00-21:00: LOOSE GOOSE # 10 : AYA

    Doors open at 7.30 PM / 19.30
    AYA enters stage at 8 PM / 20.00
    Entrance ticket : 45 DKK via mobile pay or cash
    Evening ends at 9.30 PM / 21.30

    AYA is # 10 and thereby the final performance of the LOOSE GOOSE jan-jam mini-festival at AMOK 2.0, arranged by TESE.
    AYA is an artistic expression of freedom & poetry. She lives & breathes her heART into this world and warmly invites you to be a part of it. "Because the world becomes a much more beautiful place when we share our hearts with each other" says AYA.

    Fri 17/2 19:00-21:30: AMOK Salon #6

    AMOK Salon is a series of monthly Friday meeting where we meet, present and discuss creative/aesthetic topics.

    So if you've been writing a song, making a collage, preparing a talk, planning a workshop or something else, THIS is your chance to test it on your fellow AMOK friends, and hopefully inspire and challenge us all.

    The program is ALL OPEN to participation (both from members and invited non-members) - only limited by the time span of 2 hours + 30 minutes break.

    Please write to Kasper in advance if you have an item, your title and how long it will take. Consider including some time for discussions and/or feedback too.

    If we have more time, it's also possible to do something on the evening.


    • SMARTPHONE: how to make music, easy tutorial, the SMARTPHONE way.

    January 2023

    Published: 9/1 2023

    Happy new year, friends!

    Here's our program for January.

    Looking forward to see you all in 2023.

    Tue 10/1 16:00-18:00: Anarkistisk bogklub 4

    Kom med til anarkistisk bogklub!

    TIl denne gang læser vi "The Tyranny of Structurelessness" af Jo Freeman

    Skriv gerne hvis du kommer.

    Fri 13/1 18:00-22:00: ~RELEASE PARTY~ Prefix Suffix - Musik Til Dagligvareindkøb

    ~ the essential self help tape for the neurodivergent ~
    Do you suffer from social anxiety or over-stimulation when grocery shopping? PREFIX SUFFIX has an album just for you!

    “MUSIK TIL DAGLIGVAREINDKØB” is designed to make you easily breeze through your daily excursions. With it’s five (5) tracks of differing intensity, variance and texture to suit YOUR needs. Dissociate with the power of noise!

    The perfect distraction from the misery of people and intrusive thoughts, with only mild ear damage*
    Available for purchase Friday the 13th, January 2023, with the help of DRET SKIVOR.
    The release will be celebrated in AMOK, Rosenkrantzgade 1b, 8000 Århus C, with many, many performances.

    ~ LINEUP ~
    Office-noise and -drone for the kafkaesque hellscape.

    >>FRAEST<< (århus)
    New noise project, w/ electronic background.

    >>IJAC<< (herning)
    Debut live performance for this genre bending outsider musician.

    >>!LD ! D!T ANS!GT<< (århus)
    The infamous avant garde performance group, here to strike again.

    >>NOISEBOB ELECTRONICS<< (iceland)
    DIY shitcore emperor.

    >>PIKBLOD<< (copenhagen)
    Expect the unexpected.

    >>PREFIX SUFFIX<< (fredericia)
    Pure in-your-face ear splitting harsh noise set.

    >>PRIDE OF NAKSKOV<< (århus)
    Introspective alien noise. Resurrected!

    >>UBEVIDST KAOS<< (århus)
    Noise à la acoustique.

    Entry is free, though a donation to AMOK is encouraged.

    Cheap beer.

    No. Fucking. N@z!s.

    Fri 20/1 19:00-21:30: AMOK Salon #5

    AMOK Salon is a series of monthly Friday meeting where we meet, present and discuss creative/aesthetic topics.

    So if you've been writing a song, making a collage, preparing a talk, planning a workshop or something else, THIS is your chance to test it on your fellow AMOK friends, and hopefully inspire and challenge us all.

    The program is ALL OPEN to participation (both from members and invited non-members) - only limited by the time span of 2 hours + 30 minutes break.

    Please write to Kasper in advance if you have an item, your title and how long it will take. Consider including some time for discussions and/or feedback too.

    If we have more time, it's also possible to do something on the evening.


    • Kasper: Get started with Mastodon; or how federated media will destroy internet fascism
    • Liam plays his flute
    • Katrine
    • More?

    Issue #4 (december 2022)

    Published: 8/12 2022

    Things are really kicking off this fall, and we have an amazing program this December too.

    Check it out below!

    Fri 9/12 18:00-21:00: Frejdig fredag

    Kvindelig label inviterer til 'frejdig fredag'!

    Følgende acts spiller:

    Mystisk Müsli (Hadsten) Mystisk Müsli eksisterer i grænselandet mellem støj og musik i en kaotisk men legende verden, hvor tunge problematiske emner bliver taget op på en let fordøjelig og til tider humoristisk måde. Snørklede beats og mystiske melodier bliver tvunget ud af hverdagens kendte lyde og serveres i en lunefuld men dansabel form.

    Skærm Følelse (Aarhus) Skærm Følelse is searching for new experimental electronic sounds, ranging from silent ambient at the speed of a rock to speeding kick drums that might just make you shine a little bit.

    Uranes (Norge) Norwegian noisemaker currently based in Copenhagen.

    Xah (Ukraine) Kyiv based harsh noise act playing on self made scrap metal sculptures.

    Doors open at 18.00

    Tue 13/12 16:00-18:00: Anarkistisk bogklub 2

    Vi holder anarkistisk bogklub på AMOK 

    Vi læser korte men spicy 5-10 siders tekster og snakker om dem

    Til denne gang læser vi "Social Ecology" (indtil "Grow or Die!", så det kun er 10 sider)

    Fri 16/12 19:00-21:30: AMOK Salon #4

    Instead of meeting around practical stuff, I want to suggest a short series of monthly Friday meeting where we meet, present and discuss creative/aesthetic topics only.

    So if you've been writing a song, making a collage, preparing a talk, planning a workshop or something else, THIS is your chance to test it on your fellow AMOK members, and hopefully inspire and challenge us all.

    The program will be open to participation (both from members and invited non-members) - only limited by the time span of 2 hours + 30 minutes break.

    Please write to Kasper in advance if you have an item, your title and how long it will take. Consider including some time for discussions and/or feedback too.

    If we have more time, it's also possible to do something on the evening.


    • Kasper's workshop: Being Digital 101
    • MORE TO COME!!!

    Sat 24/12 18:00 - Mon 26/12 18:00: YULECORE SHITART/NOISE FESTIVAL 2022


    Tue 27/12 16:00-18:00: Anarkistisk bogklub 3

    Vi holder anarkistisk bogklub på AMOK 

    Vi læser korte men spicy 5-10 siders tekster og snakker om dem


    SEE YOU ALL!!!

    Issue #3 (october 2022)

    Published: 31/10 2022

    Welcome to the 3rd issue of AMOK News!

    We've started a series of AMOK Salons on the 3rd Friday of each month, where everybody is free to drop by and hear what we're working with. The salons are an open format that will vary a lot, and if there's space on the program, people can also join with a subject on the evening. Otherwise talk to Kasper to get on the program.

    Also a documentarist visited us during VHS-fabrikken's "24 Hour Video Manufacturing Marathon" and made a short documentary about AMOK and the event:


    Read more below and hope to see all of you IRL.



    Sun 6/11 - 18.00-21.00: Kvindelig søndagsmatiné

    Kvindelig, Åbyhøjs fremmeste eksperimental kassettebåndslabel, præsenterer en fornøjelig søndagsmatiné med besøg fra Tyskland og Island. Både den mere afdæmpede ambient, samt en konfronterende støjende lyd vil være repræsenteret. Bliv renset for al den forgange uges dårligdom, og bliv katapulteret ind i den nye uge med ny og sprudlende energi!

    Døre åbner kl. 18 / Show start kl. 19 / Show slut kl. 21

    Entre: Donation (50 kr. anbefales, men betal hvad du kan/vil)

    Kunstnere skriver følgende om sig selv:

    Grodock is the noise/ambient project of David Leutkart, existing since 2009. His sounds, ranging from bulky and brute to harmonic and flat, are released on his label Grubenwehr Freiburg, among others.

    Der Verlorene Faden (The Lost Thread). A woman, a bass, a trash can and everything that comes between her fingers. Absolute destruction, disturbance, rainbows and the joy of noise.

    Rostiges Riesenrad's (Rusty Ferris Wheel) main focus is on creating dark and sick atmopspheres. Heavy noise, dull rumbling drones: the overall sinister atmosphere feeds from many, mainly metallic sources. The live program consists for the most part of harsh noise attacks.

    GRÝLA: She devours children as her favourite snack. Her favorite dish is a stew of naughty kids, for which she has an insatiable appetite. Yulecore!!

    Vi ses!



    Fri 18/11 - 19.00-21.30: AMOK Salon #3

    Instead of meeting around practical stuff, I want to suggest a short series of monthly Friday meeting where we meet, present and discuss creative/aesthetic topics only.

    So if you've been writing a song, making a collage, preparing a talk, planning a workshop or something else, THIS is your chance to test it on your fellow AMOK members, and hopefully inspire and challenge us all.

    The program will be open to participation (both from members and invited non-members) - only limited by the time span of 2 hours + 30 minutes break.

    Please write to Kasper in advance if you have an item, your title and how long it will take. Consider including some time for discussions and/or feedback too.

    If we have more time, it's also possible to do something on the evening.

    AMOK Salon #4 will take place on Friday the 16th of December.

    Issue #2 (august 2022)

    Published: 10/8 2022

    Welcome to the 2nd issue of AMOK News!

    Thanks to everyone who participated in our Lyder Vildt-festival. We had a blast, and we're looking forward to a fall filled with new, crazy AMOK events.

    We have a lot of great events coming up these next few weeks. You can read about them below.

    Hope to see all of you IRL.

    Fri 19/8 12.00 to Saturday 20/8 ca 12: 24 Hour VHS Manufacturing Marathon

    Before Archive 81 was restored and Stranger Thing was a thing, there was VHS-FABRIKKEN!

    For the 5th year in a row, we invite all tape enthusiasts, cyberpunks and AV-workers to join our "24 Hour Non-Stop Video Manufacturing Marathon" in our studio space A:M:O:K on Friday the 19th to Saturday 20th of August 2022.

    In July 2016, the last company in the world, Funai, ceased the production of VHS equipment. Making the widespread casette format irrevocably obsolete, the VHS is now freed from the hands of the media industry, and a video ecological crisis has emerged where we must re-use casettes and repair machines, until the last magnetic tape wears out.
    In the light of this de-commercialization, VHS-FABRIKKEN emerged to fight for video's future and to reclaim the VHS format as the avantgarde. Reviving the industrial factory setup of assembly lines and enforced push manufacturing, our goals are the total monopoly of analog video equipment, complete re-recording of all VHS-tapes in the world, and full exploitation of the world population as our AV-workers.

    Friday at 12.00 (noon), we press REC on our VCR and we will record non-stop until six E240 VHS-tapes have been overwritten and re-recorded (approx. 24 hours later).
    In this time span, everyone and everything that happens end up on tape. As participants work and eat, talk and perform, drink and explore, shit and sleep, the 6 tapes will make an direct electromagnetic imprint of the life lived at the factory.
    For the marathon VHS-FABRIKKEN installs equipment such as pattern generators, oscilloscopes, video mixers, cameras and computer, and we also encourage participants to bring their own works and tools, whether it's sound, video, poetry, computer graphics, performances, dance or something else. You can plug-in to the main circuit through RCA (composite PAL), VGA, HDMI, jack (6.5mm) and mini-jack (3.5mm) as well as record through camera and microphone.
    The final product will be 6 tapes of approx. 4 hours length each that will be part of VHS-fabrikken's archive, and be licensed as public domain, so that other projects can re-use our material. To the extent possible, the tapes will also be converted to digital format and released through

    The location is VHS-fabrikken's studio space in A:M:O:K, Rosenkrantzgade 1b, 8000 Aarhus C.
    You can come and go as you please, bring your own food and drink, participate or perform for the tapes, and even bring a sleeping bag if you want to stay overnight.
    The marathon is free, and we encourage participants to come and go throughout the entire working period.


    Thu 25/8 - 19:00-21:00: AGENDA BENDER (Transcender B Therender) BEND.THEBEGINNING&THEEND ZINE

    Do you like stuff but are tired of how it affects your work/thoughts/creative processes?! Come to the reception for


    A humorous zine is about affordance theory and using hacking/circuit-bending to deprogram the influence that devices have on your artistic engagement. It's disposable purpose is to educate in chance electronics, as well as cultivating anti-authoritarian approaches to creative practices. It's inspired by Vilem Flusser's book 'Towards a Philosophy of Photography', concerning the apparatus' effect on the behavior of the individual interacting with it, but written with accessabillity in mind. This means that the zine doesn't prepare one to indulge in advanced engineering, nor highly academical discussions, but instead it's fun, chill and creative.

    It features 22 pages of:

    • Tutorials, graphics and poetry
    • An interactive step-by-step guide on how to ditch your prior understanding of a device and giving it new purpose
    • A recipe for a circuit-bending stripboard tool

    The guide also features a blank page for each step, intended for note-taking and mapping out your process.

    What is circuit bending: Circuit bending is the creative, chance-based customization of the circuits within electronic devices such as low-voltage, battery-powered guitar effects, children's toys and digital synthesizers to create new musical or visual instruments and sound generators.

    Emphasizing spontaneity and randomness, the techniques of circuit bending have been commonly associated with noise music, though many more conventional contemporary musicians and musical groups have been known to experiment with "bent" instruments. Circuit bending usually involves dismantling the machine and adding components such as switches and potentiometers that alter the circuit. (

    In the spirit of this zine, however, circuit bending doesn't just apply to electronic devices. It applies to your neural circuits as well. Circuit bending as a practice is experimenting, rewiring a signal path, and that signal path may have been inside you all along.

    Fri 2/9 - 19:00-21:00: AMOK's General assembly 2022

    1. Valg af ordstyrer
    2. Godkendelse af generalforsamlingens gyldighed
    3. Valg af referent
    4. Formandens eller bestyrelsens beretning til godkendelse
    5. Godkendelse af regnskab
    6. Godkendelse af budget
    7. Fastsættelse af kontingent
    8. Valg af formand
    9. Valg af bestyrelsesmedlemmer
    10. Diskussion af indkomne forslag
    11. Eventuelt
    Login to see the updated program!

    Issue #1 (september 2021)

    Published: 14/9 2021

    Welcome to the 1st issue of AMOK News!

    It has been a great reopening after the pandemic for us, including events such as VHS-fabrikkens 4th issue of "24 hour Video Manufacturing Marathon", the first "AMOK Læsninger" and a screening of Josefine Bondes film "Dommerens Arv".

    FukBoi was at an Alternative Fashion Show: "Det var Alternativ fashion show som blev interviewet og meget af vores fremvist. Sol Silke i flot design."

    We have a lot of great events coming up these next few weeks. You can read about them below.

    Hope to see all of you IRL.

    Fri 17/9 20.00-22.00: Making Aarhus Elendig Again

    On the 17th of September, Jysk Elendighed presents a concert featuring: DEMERSAL from Odense/KBH, OMSORG from Aalborg and FRAGILE MASCULINTY from Aarhus/Fredericia.

    DEMERSAL (Blackened hardcore/screamo)

    OMSORG (Post-hardcore)

    FRAGILE MASCULINTY (Powerviolence/hardcore)
    Brand new, no releases yet.

    Entre: 20 kroner

    Sat 25/9 14.00 to Sun 26/9 16.00: Making A Big Zine (collective collage & cut-upworkshop)

    We will make a zine together.

    There will be a short introduction to cut-up methods, some collage artists and the fanzine culture and format.

    Then we will create personal works of image and/or text and gather them all into a nice zine.

    We will also be making one big collective collage.

    Then, somehow, at some point, we are gonna sieze the means of production/borrow a photocopyer and print the zine.

    If all goes well then there might be a release-fest coming up later on.

    Sat 2/10, 19.00-22.00: AMOK Seminar #1 - LOOKING THROUGHCOMPOSITION

    Four local artists talk openly about their thoughts and experiences on composing in their respective media:

    19:00 Kasper Lauritzen on poetry
    19:30 Jonas Stampe on music
    20:00 Small break
    20:15 Andreja Andrić on sound
    20:45 Mariana Gil on photography
    21:15 Small break
    21:30 Open discussion

    September's featured trash

    Flower on the floor