AMOK Salon is back. New date is Friday the 26th of May
Drop by to a talk, a workshop or an experiment, and ascend with us in the nice salon atmosphere.
- Esben: "Idéen om Den Lidende Kunstner, som oplægsholder og empirisk grundlag"
- Kasper: "Being Digital 101 - 2"
Write to Kasper (kzxpr AT pm DOT me), if you want to present something.
He talks about some important artists I chose to leave out and mentions, but leaves out, ones I talked about. (tho tbh I only briefly mentioned Machine Girl and S̶e̶w̶e̶r̶s̶l̶v̶t̶).
Had a fun night at @amoksalon8 with @glaspest talking about #breakcore (whilst also explaining a #meme !), and then helping people to build a #humancomputer
Here are some logic gates, if you want to be #digital at home! :space_invader:
See you in June for more events at @amok !