The seventh edition of VHS-fabrikken's "24 Hour VHS Marathon" is coming to AMOK this summer!
For the 24 hour marathon we offer our means of productions to the AV-workers, while we record whatever happens on six E240 VHS-tapes. The final product will be digitized and released in public domain for further circulation, up-cycling and remixing.
This year we are planning to do "Ugen Der Gak - VHS special" (where we remind ourselves what has happening the previous "week"), meet the evil venture capitalists in "Løvens Hule", see who finds love in the dating program "Kunstner Søger Kærlighed", get advice from "Andreas Brevkasse" and get fit for the marathon with "Esben Extreme's Body Workout".
The exact titles and times of the program will be announced later.
It begins on Friday the 2nd of August at 12.00 (noon) and ends 6 VHS-tapes later (approx. Saturday the 3rd of August at 12.30).
Location (as always): AMOK, Rosenkrantzgade 1b, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark.
This event is supported by Initiativpuljen, Aarhus Kommune.
P.S. Make VHS great again!
This year's program for the @24vhsmarathon2024 is ready! See you on Friday @vhsfabrikken

På fredag kl. 12 starter vi i @vhsfabrikken den 7. omgang af @24vhsmarathon2024 . Det betyder, at vi rammer intet mindre end EN HEL UGES hard-core, real-time, avantgardistisk VHS-produktion i kataloget.
Vores marathoner har været eksperimenter i at se, hvad der opstår, hvis man indspiller video et døgn i træk, hvor der ikke er krav om andet end at optagelsen kører.

@24vhsmarathon2024 Det handler som altid om at udviske grænsen mellem kunst og liv, men i lige så høj grad også om at give en skabelsesproces hen til et fællesskab og lade værket stå åbent for indfald, eksperimenter og situationernes indre nødvendighed.
Det er ikke lige den slags film, man sætter på en fredag aften med popcorn, og det er måske tvivlsomt om nogen nogensinde skulle se det i sin helhed. Alligevel synes jeg, at vores bånd er dragende i deres følelse, uforudsigelighed og tidslighed.

@24vhsmarathon2024 De minder mig om en anden tid, hvor familien sad samlet om ét TV, og hvor man zappede mellem kanaler til man fandt noget, der var tilstrækkeligt spændende at se. De minder mig også om hjemmevideo-båndene med deres udvaskede videofarver, scenernes lys og modlys, og kameraet som forelsket fanger et ansigt. Og de minder mig om mine helte fra videokunsten, når der pludselig slår et ikonografisk lyn ned i de stille scener.

@vhsfabrikken @24vhsmarathon2024 Jeg kan ikke garantere noget som helst for vores marathon på fredag, udover at jeg vil gøre alt for, at det bliver en kæmpe fejring af kunsten, livet og alle, der har været. Så husk, at det stadig også kan nå at være dig.
Are you sad that the Euro Cup is over and the Tour has ended? Then you're in luck, because there's only a week left until this summer's most extreme and physically demanding discipline: The @24vhsmarathon2024 !
Remember that you can enjoy all the footage from previous years on our new TV24 website:
Right at this hour of night, back at the first @24vhsmarathon2024 in 2018, @vhsfabrikken were live with this tune... and movie reference:
Use TV24 to share your favourite VHS-marathon moments!
The countdown has begun for @24vhsmarathon2024
The 7th edition of @vhsfabrikken 's "24 Hour VHS Marathon"
Fri 2nd August 12.00 (noon) to Sat 3rd August 12.xx
@amok , Rosenkrantzgade 1b, 8000 Aarhus C

The seventh edition of VHS-fabrikken's "24 Hour VHS Marathon" is coming to AMOK this summer!
For the 24 hour marathon we offer our means of productions to the AV-workers, while we record whatever happens on six E240 VHS-tapes. The final product will be digitized and released in public domain for further circulation, up-cycling and remixing.
This year we are planning to do "Ugen Der Gak - VHS special" (where we remind ourselves what has happening the previous "week"), meet the evil venture capitalists in "Løvens Hule", see who finds love in the dating program "Kunstner Søger Kærlighed", get advice from "Andreas Brevkasse" and get fit for the marathon with "Esben Extreme's Body Workout".
The exact titles and times of the program will be announced later.
It begins on Friday the 2nd of August at 12.00 (noon) and ends 6 VHS-tapes later (approx. Saturday the 3rd of August at 12.30).
Location (as always): AMOK, Rosenkrantzgade 1b, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark.
This event is supported by Initiativpuljen, Aarhus Kommune.
P.S. Make VHS great again!
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