Public event
5 år efter lockdown fest
Fri 14/3 - 18:00-22:00

Savner du nogensinde at gå mundbind, vise coronapas og lave akavede albuehilsner?

Næppe! Men som alle andre kriser fik det en ende, og verden blev forandret.

Fredag den 14. marts vil AMOK markere 5 års jubilæum for lockdown af Danmark i en storstilet fest, hvor vi skal "party like it's 2020".

Så find dine udløbne mundbind, sprit hænderne og hold afstand med os, når vi slår dørene op for den store lockdown-temafest.

Du kan bl.a. se frem til:

* Eksklusive optrædener over Zoom
* Dramatiske pressemøder
* Billige 'vaccinationer' i baren
* Hyggelig fællessang
* Ekstreme mængder toiletpapir
* Håndsprit ad libitum

På aftenen laver vi også en mindehylde, hvor vi opfordrer alle gæster til at medbringe et minde fra deres lockdown, hvorved vi også mindes ofrene for corona.

Eventet er gratis, men man kan støtte AMOK ved at købe vores CORONAPAS til lejligheden for 20 kr.


Do you ever miss wearing a face mask, showing your corona passport and making awkward elbow greetings?

Hardly! But like all other crises, it came to an end, and the world was changed.

On Friday March 14, AMOK will mark the 5th anniversary of the lockdown of Denmark in a theme party, where we will "party like it's 2020".

So grab your expired face masks, sanitize your hands and keep your distance with us when we open the doors for the big lockdown party.

You can look forward to, among other things:

* Exclusive performances on Zoom
* Dramatic press conferences
* Cheap 'vaccinations' at the bar
* Fun communal singing
* Extreme amounts of toilet paper
* Hand sanitizer ad libitum

On the evening, we will also make a memorial shelf, where we encourage all guests to bring a memory from their lockdown, thereby also remembering the victims of corona.

The event is free, but you can support AMOK by purchasing our CORONAPAS for the occasion for 20 kr.


Savner du nogensinde at gå mundbind, vise coronapas og lave akavede albuehilsner?

Næppe! Men som alle andre kriser fik det en ende, og verden blev forandret.

Fredag den 14. marts vil AMOK markere 5 års jubilæum for lockdown af Danmark i en storstilet fest, hvor vi skal "party like it's 2020".

Så find dine udløbne mundbind, sprit hænderne og hold afstand med os, når vi slår dørene op for den store lockdown-temafest.

Du kan bl.a. se frem til:

* Eksklusive optrædener over Zoom
* Dramatiske pressemøder
* Billige 'vaccinationer' i baren
* Hyggelig fællessang
* Ekstreme mængder toiletpapir
* Håndsprit ad libitum

På aftenen laver vi også en mindehylde, hvor vi opfordrer alle gæster til at medbringe et minde fra deres lockdown, hvorved vi også mindes ofrene for corona.

Eventet er gratis, men man kan støtte AMOK ved at købe vores CORONAPAS til lejligheden for 20 kr.


Do you ever miss wearing a face mask, showing your corona passport and making awkward elbow greetings?

Hardly! But like all other crises, it came to an end, and the world was changed.

On Friday March 14, AMOK will mark the 5th anniversary of the lockdown of Denmark in a theme party, where we will "party like it's 2020".

So grab your expired face masks, sanitize your hands and keep your distance with us when we open the doors for the big lockdown party.

You can look forward to, among other things:

* Exclusive performances on Zoom
* Dramatic press conferences
* Cheap 'vaccinations' at the bar
* Fun communal singing
* Extreme amounts of toilet paper
* Hand sanitizer ad libitum

On the evening, we will also make a memorial shelf, where we encourage all guests to bring a memory from their lockdown, thereby also remembering the victims of corona.

The event is free, but you can support AMOK by purchasing our CORONAPAS for the occasion for 20 kr.
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