Our friends:
Catboi Nyati :nb_verify:
Sissyfos :zazzy:
Kasper tester
Florian Laws
Carsten Agger
Søren Peter
Kasperaliteten :mastodon:/DA
Sigurd Jakobsen
Fritjof :emacs: :ardour:
Kasperaliteten :mastodon:/EN
Sun 11/6-2023

JETZT WERD ICH DUMM and TERRIBLE NEWS live in concert, saturday 17th of june, in @amok@amok.today

10th edition of AMOK Salon where everyone can come and share ideas.

* Free Software Foundation (Aarhus) will present the tool Yunohost

* Andreja Andrić talks about his week at Klangraum in Dusseldorf, shows photos and plays some music from the Wandelweiser collective

Write to Kasper (Mastodon: @kzxpr@todon.eu ) to be on the program!

To get all events, follow @amok@amok.today

AMOK's newsletter is out now.

Events on June and July includes:

* 16/6: AMOK Salon 9 ( @amoksalon9 )
* 17/6: Concert with JETZ WIRD ICH DUMM + SUPPORT
* 30/6-1/7: The annual 24 hour VHS manufacturing marathon ( @24vhsmarathon2023 )
* 29/7: AMOK's 18% Festival ( @18procent )
* 23/6: Our general assembly ( @generalforsamling )!

Read it all here:

And follow AMOK on: @amok

@amoksalon9@amok.today @24vhsmarathon2023@amok.today @18procent@amok.today @generalforsamling@amok.today

Årets generalforsamling.

Punkter er:

  1. Valg af ordstyrer
  2. Godkendelse af generalforsamlingens gyldighed
  3. Valg af referent
  4. Forpersonens eller bestyrelsens beretning til godkendelse
  5. Godkendelse af regnskab
  6. Godkendelse af budget
  7. Fastsættelse af kontingent
  8. Valg af formand
  9. Valg af bestyrelsesmedlemmer
  10. Diskussion af indkomne forslag
  11. Eventuelt

Send forslag til offentlig Matrix kanal via @generalforsamling@amok.today

To get all events, follow @amok@amok.today

@kzxpr @amoksalon8

He talks about some important artists I chose to leave out and mentions, but leaves out, ones I talked about. (tho tbh I only briefly mentioned Machine Girl and S̶e̶w̶e̶r̶s̶l̶v̶t̶).


@kzxpr@radikal.social @amoksalon8@amok.today #breakcore

AMOK er på røven igen - så kom, støt byens sejeste kunstkollektiv og gør et kup!

Behovet for penge i AMOK er fortsat enormt. En 18% husleje-stigning står til at jævne AMOK med jorden. Desperate kunstnere skal træffe umulige valg. Nogle ser ingen anden udvej end at sælge deres værker og ydelser for at brødføde sig selv.

Vi har derfor sammensat en en-dags festival med en masse spændende ting på programmet.

Du kan bl.a. glæde dig til:

  • Lokal-produceret kunsthåndværk
  • Aktuelle og berigende talks
  • Plante-marked
  • Lærerige og udfordrende workshops
  • Loppemarked
  • Tombola med sjove og overraskende præmier
  • Lounge-stemning i gården
  • Spændende, nye cocktails
  • Kaffe og vegansk kage
  • Og (selvfølgelig) VHS-karaoke kl 20!

Om du er ven, bekendt, har crashet på vores sofa eller væltet rundt til et af vores mange arrangementer gennem årene, så har vi brug for DIN støtte til fortsat at kunne eksistere.

18% af al salg på dagen går direkte til at støtte AMOK's fremtidige virke.

Entre er gratis

To get all events, follow @amok@amok.today

Three-day hiphop and rap recording workshop

To get all events, follow @amok@amok.today

Had a fun night at @amoksalon8 with @glaspest talking about (whilst also explaining a !), and then helping people to build a

Here are some logic gates, if you want to be at home! :space_invader:

See you in June for more events at @amok !

@amoksalon8@amok.today @glaspest@helvede.net #breakcore #meme #humancomputer #digital
"24 Hour VHS Manufacturing Marathon" returns in 2023.

VHS-fabrikken is a video art collective specializing in analog video equipment. Our collection includes Hi8-cameras, video mixers, oscilloscopes and a wall of CRT televisions. For the 24 hour marathon we offer our means of productions to the AV-workers, while we record whatever happens on six E240 VHS-tapes. The final product will be digitized and released in public domain for further circulation, up-cycling and remixing.

The marathon is free to attend, and participants can come and go as they wish during the entire event.

It begins on Friday the 30th of June at 12.00 (noon) and ends 6 VHS-tapes later (approx. Saturday the 1st of July at 12.30).

Location: AMOK, Rosenkrantzgade 1b, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark.

Make VHS great again!
To get all events, follow @amok@amok.today