November 2023
Published:Thanks to everyone who came to our Country & Western night and noise concerts in October.
Here's our program for the rest of November.
Sat 11/11 19:00-22:00: ZOOM SOUNDS
zoom sounds
: i just love to work from home! No commune and no hassle!
: well, i just want to know when the meeting starts?
: [... ]
: your mic is off.
: oh sorry, i just wanted to say that a guitar trio is going to play music over zoom? ?
: oh how cool! Its nice to see the music industry follow us labourers into the future!
: yes, im sure they will demonstrate the endless possibilities of convenience and emancipation this platform has to offer!
: ... I
performed by peter oldrup, henrik bay hansen & mikkel egelund nielsen of cras ensemble
cras ensemble
>composed by sofus preisel
a story about being captured by the emptiness of virtual spaces, standards and intangible assets.
Programmer is a live-coding drama inspired by text adventures or 'interactive fiction'.
We follow programmer, our naive protagonist, in their meeting with the ominous social constructor, as they exami
written and performed by tanis silke nielsen
having a home in the physical world.
>written and pe
performed by sofus preisel & tanis silke nielsen
d by sofus preisel & tanis silke nielsen
hosted by ito audio kollektiv & aut
supported by arhus kommune: musikpuljen, augustinus fonden and william demant fonden
Fri 17/11 19:00-21:30: AMOK Salon #12
12th edition of AMOK Salon where everyone can come and share ideas.
- BEING DIGITAL 200: What is HTTP, and why should you love it?
Write to Kasper (kzxpr AT protonmail DOT com) if you want to be on the program.