Public event
AMOK Salon #9
Fri 16/6 - 19:00-21:30

9th edition of AMOK Salon where members and guests can come and share ideas.


* We'll read something about sex

* Maybe we'll dance the lanciers

Write to Kasper (Mastodon: ) to be on the program!

AMOK's newsletter is out now.

Events on June and July includes:

* 16/6: AMOK Salon 9 ( @amoksalon9 )
* 17/6: Concert with JETZ WIRD ICH DUMM + SUPPORT
* 30/6-1/7: The annual 24 hour VHS manufacturing marathon ( @24vhsmarathon2023 )
* 29/7: AMOK's 18% Festival ( @18procent )
* 23/6: Our general assembly ( @generalforsamling )!

Read it all here:

And follow AMOK on: @amok

9th edition of AMOK Salon where members and guests can come and share ideas.


* We'll read something about sex

* Maybe we'll dance the lanciers

Write to Kasper (Mastodon: ) to be on the program!

To get all events, follow