Issue #1 (september 2021)
Published: 14/9 2021Welcome to the 1st issue of AMOK News!
It has been a great reopening after the pandemic for us, including events such as VHS-fabrikkens 4th issue of "24 hour Video Manufacturing Marathon", the first "AMOK Læsninger" and a screening of Josefine Bondes film "Dommerens Arv".
FukBoi was at an Alternative Fashion Show: "Det var Alternativ fashion show som blev interviewet og meget af vores fremvist. Sol Silke i flot design."
We have a lot of great events coming up these next few weeks. You can read about them below.
Hope to see all of you IRL.
Fri 17/9 20.00-22.00: Making Aarhus Elendig Again
Brand new, no releases yet.
Sat 25/9 14.00 to Sun 26/9 16.00: Making A Big Zine (collective collage & cut-upworkshop)
We will make a zine together.
There will be a short introduction to cut-up methods, some collage artists and the fanzine culture and format.
Then we will create personal works of image and/or text and gather them all into a nice zine.
We will also be making one big collective collage.
Then, somehow, at some point, we are gonna sieze the means
of production/borrow a photocopyer and print the zine.
If all goes well then there might be a release-fest coming up later on.
Sat 2/10, 19.00-22.00: AMOK Seminar #1 - LOOKING THROUGHCOMPOSITION
local artists talk openly about their thoughts and experiences on
composing in their respective media:
Kasper Lauritzen on poetry
19:30 Jonas Stampe on music
Small break
20:15 Andreja Andrić on sound
20:45 Mariana
Gil on photography
21:15 Small break
21:30 Open discussion