Issue #3 (october 2022)
Published: 31/10 2022Welcome to the 3rd issue of AMOK News!
We've started a series of AMOK Salons on the 3rd Friday of each month, where everybody is free to drop by and hear what we're working with. The salons are an open format that will vary a lot, and if there's space on the program, people can also join with a subject on the evening. Otherwise talk to Kasper to get on the program.
Also a documentarist visited us during VHS-fabrikken's "24 Hour Video Manufacturing Marathon" and made a short documentary about AMOK and the event:
Read more below and hope to see all of you IRL.
Sun 6/11 - 18.00-21.00: Kvindelig søndagsmatiné
Kvindelig, Åbyhøjs fremmeste eksperimental kassettebåndslabel, præsenterer en fornøjelig søndagsmatiné med besøg fra Tyskland og Island. Både den mere afdæmpede ambient, samt en konfronterende støjende lyd vil være repræsenteret. Bliv renset for al den forgange uges dårligdom, og bliv katapulteret ind i den nye uge med ny og sprudlende energi!
Døre åbner kl. 18 / Show start kl. 19 / Show slut kl. 21
Entre: Donation (50 kr. anbefales, men betal hvad du kan/vil)
Kunstnere skriver følgende om sig selv:
Grodock is the noise/ambient project of David Leutkart, existing since 2009. His sounds, ranging from bulky and brute to harmonic and flat, are released on his label Grubenwehr Freiburg, among others.
Der Verlorene Faden (The Lost Thread). A woman, a bass, a trash can and everything that comes between her fingers. Absolute destruction, disturbance, rainbows and the joy of noise.
Rostiges Riesenrad's (Rusty Ferris Wheel) main focus is on creating dark and sick atmopspheres. Heavy noise, dull rumbling drones: the overall sinister atmosphere feeds from many, mainly metallic sources. The live program consists for the most part of harsh noise attacks.
GRÝLA: She devours children as her favourite snack. Her favorite dish is a stew of naughty kids, for which she has an insatiable appetite. Yulecore!!
Vi ses!
Fri 18/11 - 19.00-21.30: AMOK Salon #3
Instead of meeting around practical stuff, I want to suggest a short
series of monthly Friday meeting where we meet, present and discuss
creative/aesthetic topics only.
So if you've been writing a song,
making a collage, preparing a talk, planning a workshop or something
else, THIS is your chance to test it on your fellow AMOK members, and
hopefully inspire and challenge us all.
The program will be open
to participation (both from members and invited non-members) - only
limited by the time span of 2 hours + 30 minutes break.
write to Kasper in advance if you have an item, your title and how long
it will take. Consider including some time for discussions and/or
feedback too.
If we have more time, it's also possible to do something on the evening.
AMOK Salon #4 will take place on Friday the 16th of December.